G-3CCSCWNQW7 5 Things You Should NOT do When You Start A Online Business {and 5 Things You Should Do Instead} - Unleash Your Focus

Episode 129

5 Things You Should NOT do When You Start A Online Business {and 5 Things You Should Do Instead}

We would love for our audience to avoid the mistakes that we've made where possible. Because it's not just a mistake like it's all about failures and learning how to fail. and failure is a good thing. But we're talking here losing money because of failures. And I mean, obviously, we want to avoid that where we can. 

You can find Jason here: https://www.lasertunedconnections.com/ 

Joy can find Joy here: https://www.joynicholson.com/


Hi everyone, we are back with another episode jam-packed with information today, I and Jason are going to talk about the five ways to start a business right? And how to actually not start a business. Hi, Jason, how you doing?


What's up Joy doing good, how are you?


I'm doing good, thank you. We have both been burned with businesses in the past while like you know, like the wrong and the right ways of actually starting a business. And we know what you should not be doing. And we want to help you guys to potentially avoid the mistakes that we've made. Because it's not just a mistake like it's all about failures and learning how to fail. And you know, finally, failure is a good thing. But we're talking here losing money because of failures. And I mean, obviously, we want to avoid that way we can. So Jase can you tell us something like, what is your biggest mistake that you did the first time you did a business you know, like, what was your biggest the wrong way that you started? What was your biggest thing?


First, I just want to add on to what you just said. Yeah. Starting out of business. It can be very intimidating. I mean, not only you trying to figure out what business to get into, well, let's just assume we're doing an online business. Yeah. What we're going to be selling or promoting? Who do we listen to? Who do we know? To listen to or not? I mean, there's just so much information out there, nevermind the stuff that you're going to get online. You're going to get stuff from every avenue in your life, especially from the people that don't even know how to turn on a computer. You know, what do you listen but some of these people maybe like people that you respect the most in your life, your parents or whatever people that you think, well, these are the more intelligent people that I know in my life, I value what they have to say, very, how do I defuse what's right what's wrong what direction. So this is very important. So back to your question, the biggest mistake that I ever made in starting an online business or starting a business in general, because my first business wasn't completely online is chasing the cash and making that primary making money the first and only objective. Yeah. That is quick to lead you down some ugly, ugly paths, they will lead you down these five huge mistakes that we're going to talk about today. So that would be where I started off wrong, I think. But of course, when you're, maybe you've come to a point now you've decided to start an online business because it hasn't worked for you in brick and mortar business or wherever you were and you know, you're in a tight spot right now, money might be the driving force. But this is not where your thinking should I start for a successful business.


Yeah, I completely agree with you. And that's exactly the mistake that I made is that I want to make money, see the quickest way to make money. And it was the biggest mistake I made. Because yes, that is a drive for people when they start out, because it's like, normally what is it is like, either quit my job, or I lost my job and I need to figure out how to make money because there are not other companies that I can apply for or for work, or whatever it is, right? There's always something that money is a driving factor. But if you apply, as we say, we're going to talk about five things today that is the wrong things, basically, that you should not be doing starting a business and if you just change your mindset, a little bit about this, you will understand and realise that there is a right way to do something and yes, you will still earn money, but the money is going to come automatically because you've just you know I've done it the right way. So let's talk about this Jase because I think this is something that really struggles and I mean, I've got I know people that are really struggling to start an online business because I literally got I'm not even joking they are not even on Facebook like they don't know anything online or tick because I've just never been in that space. But you know, it's incredible there is a range of people out there that really wants to start a business and they have no clue because everything out there is so overwhelming. You know, there's just so much information out there. And what do you do if you have no clue? So number one, is basically being interested in the product, what's your feeling on that Jase? Like if you're not interested in a product, what do you think will happen?


Listen, if you're not remotely interested in what you plan on selling or promoting, you're not going to care. You know, I'm not interested in salt shakers. There are hundreds of different kinds that kinds of salt that they dispense how they dispense the salt, the types of salt that you use on different meats? Is it Himalayan salt? Is it pink salt? Is it salt with 64 of the major vitamins? Or is it the salt with the A? Is it NACL sodium chloride, which is just table salt, which is garbage. I mean, and I don't love anything about salt and I'll just wrap that off to you. If you don't have an interest in the slightest about what the hell you're going to sell. Number one, you're not going to want to learn about it because you just don't care. I don't care what Avenue the information is coming in, whether it's magazine or online, or whatever it is, you just don't give a shit. I don't care about salt. I love to cook so I do care about salt in some ways, but definitely not enough to sell it. So number one, you're not going to be interested in learning about the product. And number two, if you actually have to make a video or get in front of somebody to sell them a product that you don't like. It's gonna come up people buy you first.


I'm laughing so much because I can just imagine Jason sitting there trying to sell salt shakers because


it's just not going to happen. I have this thing when I teach my students is that if you're a man, you're not going to sell bally dresses. I know this is a weird analogy but you know, it's like if you're not going to sell bally dresses if you're not interested in bally if you like love camping or you love fishing or sell things related to what you love, you know, even if you don't have a passion, it's okay to not have a passion you know, but at least sell that interesting product. I mean, me and Jason started off selling a mutual product and we both love the product. But this is the other side of it. Even though we love the product. We don't make money selling it because we just don't sell it. Which is the ironic part right?


We've put out so much information on this shit, it's amazing.


We have a Facebook page of like, hundreds of posts, like literally, and this is like a failure in itself    because we put Facebook ads into this Facebook page and just like teaching people about, you know this product and are we making any money?


Yeah, looking at the numbers at the end of the month, it's like 20 posts 500 what do we sell? Nothing. I have none. Do you? No nothing.


It needs to be we had some inquiries, but and even though but this is the thing, even though we like the product, you know, it's like a thing that we enjoy. It's not something that we really interested in. It's like you said like, I like salt I cook with salt but I'm not interested in salt. There's a difference, guys. So, I mean, if you love to fish, but you're not really interested in fishing, then it's not the same thing I don't want to buy a lower from you.


It's hugely important and it sounds funny but you know, when you're promoting something that you like or remotely interested in, when education about that product comes your way, you will naturally want to listen. Exactly. To take in that information. You know, if it's something that you're not interested in, you're going to let that go in one ear and out the other. So when you're choosing this product, if you haven't already, make sure it's something that you can get into and get behind and speak intelligently about for God's sake, if I am talking to you about salt, let me know that you've had some in your life, you feel it's important.


And it's true like I said to Jasen before we started actually recording this episode, I had somebody that approached me on driving organic traffic to my Facebook because he's selling this but I'm looking at his Facebook profile and it's got like two or three people liking his posts and I'm like, dude, how can you teach me to drive traffic if your traffic sucks and I'm not knocking the guy's obviously just bought into this opportunity. And then I asked him like, I didn't really care to drive traffic and I'm like well then don't sell this product because you can't sell something that you don't have the interest to do. I mean like it just doesn't make sense. You can't do it. And this is the thing so just be interested in a product you know, even if it and like I said, we had a mutual product, we sold this product, and we didn't make money selling this product because we weren't interested in it. And it's a great product. We both have it we both love it. We both use it every single day. But do we are we interested in it? 


We promised ourselves once we hit X amount of sales, we would go on an amazing vacation with our families. Guess where we never went? On no vacation.


That's a failure in itself, right? Think about this, I, we talked about failure before, that's a failure, but we can laugh about it because we actually appreciate and understand where it comes from, you know. So funny. Okay. It's very true. Also, remind you guys, please subscribe to the channel if you like our videos. Number two is that what we have is the site where your weaknesses in the process? So, you know, where is your struggles, you know, if you start an online business, think of where is your weakness is it technology is a piece of product information, you know, whatever that weaknesses, what is your weakness? So, I've got a programme, which is called four pillars, which is our Facebook group and all of that stuff, which is teaching people how to be time management and teaching people funnels and marketing and traffic. So think of your weakness, you know, you might have a weakness in something completely different. You might have a weakness where you didn't even think it was a thing until you started an online business. What's your feeling on this Jase your weakness?


No, no, I agree. I mean, and, and for every one of these it's fair to look at it as you know, not only what are your weaknesses, but what are your strengths. And though I mean, if you're coming into an online business and you know, you know quite a bit about a product, that doesn't mean that you know how to market it, it doesn't mean that you know, how to keep a schedule about how to keep on to that marketing. And it doesn't mean that you know how to talk, it doesn't mean that you know, how to talk to somebody else about it to get them interested. That's something completely different. You might know a lot about salt. Do you know how to present to me all the facts about Himalayan pink salt to get me to buy an ounce of it? Or do you just know that it tastes good, and it's good for me? There's a lot that goes into not only knowing about the product but how to market the product, how to keep on on a daily basis with growing this business. And so it's important to know where are your weaknesses in the business cycle revolving around this product?


Mm-hmm, exactly. And I mean, I coach students and I've got quite a few students that they really suck with messaging people and getting themselves out there and having that persuasion. This is how Joy talks about you.


No, but the reality is, I was the same not as funny, right. But I was the same. You know, before I did, like, I'd had sales before. But before I had my sales thing, I didn't want to speak to people about anything like my product knowledge was off the charts. I knew so much about it, but it's like, ooh, how do I actually approach this person to talk about all my product knowledge, you know, and this is the thing there's so much there are so many different components in actually selling a product and people think I'm going to start an online game, one man, I'm going to make my first million dollars and when am I going to buy my island, but the reality is, it's not that simple. And yes for some people it is I mean, I know people that started and within like the first month, I'm making 100k. But if you look at it, the reality is that they know how to do it because they actually have no weaknesses as in how to sell it. They know how to have time management, they know how to be focused and know how to set goals, they know marketing they know how to market themselves. They know how to sell to people without them even maybe they didn't even know that they know how to sell to people. They have the right you know the system in place, maybe they've bought into a problem where they have the right system in place, like a funnel or, you know, really good website, they understand how to drive traffic. These are all very important things to actually helping you in this whole process that you know, to actually be successful in this game.


And at the same time, you might be coming from a brick and mortar business. And now you're getting into the online thing. You might have more knowledge than you know about how to sell or market a product, you might be missing just one piece. That's making everything go down the drain. Yep. And the connection between you and that one piece might be a coach to just point it out to you. So getting everything out about what you know, and what you don't know about that product is equally important about how do I make others feel the way I feel or want them to feel about this product.


Yeah, and that actually ties in with number three that Jason is saying it's like how do I actually get help with this weakness? And I used to identify the weakness Okay, so you've identified maybe your issues on a marketing right? Now you've identified that you know most of the things but how do you actually then do the next step? So identifying your weakness Jase what is the best way that you can actually then help yourself once you've identified the weakness you know, like, how do you  help you know, how do you get help on this?


So you might need some help getting to the point where you can identify that weakness. And we can go over how to figure that out. I mean, you and I are both people that we base our businesses on getting people, these types of information are not the amount of money that you will see out there people charging, and we'll get into that, but that's just who we are as people. And that's how we base our business. And so it is going to be crucial that you start to speak to people or get into groups that are either semi lightness, am I liking this or talking about the same things that this product is asking questions, reading, taking it all in, which goes back to have some kind of interest because the information that you're going to take in it's going to sink in and it's going to help you realise with some help where your missing piece if you will. 


Yeah, I completely agree. And I mean, you get things like paid, you know, like coaching things. And this is kind of like with the next one also comes, like educating yourself about the product. And you know, it's not necessarily time-efficient, you need a coach for that, but also just diving into that, like, for example, I am part of two paid Facebook groups. And it is fantastic. You know like, it's really good because it's kind of secluded, or exclusive, and exclusive to be in groups, right? But I've also been part of paid programmes where it was useless, you know, so, you really need to understand like, if I pay $50 a month to be part of this group, am I getting the value that they promise because you would you can get that or you can be part of a $40 coaching a month programme, which basically teaches you nothing, or you can be part of the thousand dollars or $5,000 a month programme, which also again teaches you nothing. And I mean like I said I'm part of, and I mean in total, these two Facebook groups a month cost like 70 bucks, which is nothing, and I learned so much from them every single day because the people actually pump you full of value, right? So I guess you need to understand and realise that when you educate yourself what is the value if you can't afford like a full-on one on one coach, which is expensive right because you pay for the hour or you pay per month whatever is it then worth it for you to go into a group coaching on the topic that you're not sure about, you know, and I personally found that both works like I mean, I've got a coach and I've got my group coaching and what my coach lack in, you know, the things that I'm needing I'm finding it you know, somewhere else, you know, because generally your coaches on a specific field, but if your business is different, I would say almost pillars to it then it's better to get education from somebody else, you know, it just makes sense that way.


Now I come from a little bit of a different position. So you're going to get a little bit, two different perspectives here. When I was life coaching in another area before I started doing what I'm doing now, the price would be an MIU none of this was online it was always one on one was thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars for three months. The information 100% worth it will change your life. So not everybody has that money, especially when you're starting out. So my new business model is to provide that information for people while we're rate because that's what I feel is right. And I know in the end I will be compensated  tenfold for the information I'm getting, so it's finding the right people to provide that information. That's is critical. There's a lot of shit out there.


Yeah, no, I completely agree with Jason and this is a thing like, I'm not knocking please make sure that you understand I'm not knocking a $10,000 a month programme. I'm not doing that at all, because there's a lot of value. I've seen a lot of value in programmes like this, but just be careful, you know, be careful of when you actually pay $5,000 is a $97 a month programme, you know, like, because there can be the same exact value, you know, and it depends on person to person to person coach to coach to coach programmes to a programme to programme it depends on what you're buying into. And again, it boils down to like, you know, the number one and the number two the weakness and the progress or sorry, not the progress that the product you know, the interest in the product.


So, right here right now, I mean, before we even move on you have two different, very different perspectives of what you want to know. As you're looking out, I was on a ridiculously high end, did very well. I recognise what is wrong with that. She is providing information that is, you would pay

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Joy Nicholson

My name is Joy, I am a marketing geek, funnel builder, coach, and mentor.

I have spent the last 2 years learning from industry experts and successful business owners.

Going behind the scenes to discover what makes them successful.

Follow along with Season 9 of Unleash your focus podcast where I dive in deeper than ever before unlocking insider trade secrets, discovering what makes these entrepreneurs successful, but also going underground to understand their habits, frameworks, blueprints, secrets and so much more.

I also ask ONE important question and that is “how they have grown and scaled their business successfully, to a million or more!

I am excited that you are here and I appreciate you! But most importantly I can’t wait for you to apply these strategies so you can become successful too!

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