G-3CCSCWNQW7 Helping Nurses to Quit Their Jobs During The Pandemic - Unleash Your Focus

Episode 189

Helping Nurses to Quit Their Jobs During The Pandemic Interview with Jana Holterman

In this Episode Janna Holterman, founder of Shift Work to Dream Work, discusses why she made the big shift from working as a nurse to starting her own business that now helps others do the same. 

She speaks about the importance of not conforming, but rather sticking out the struggle and finding a solution to every obstacle.

She also speaks about the importance of communication with other like minded people, and how asking for advice can help you take action to benefit the success of your business.

Find Jana via her website: https://www.jannaholterman.com/


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Also some prices up for grabs at the end of the season. Go to https://unleashyourfocus.com/


Joy Nicholson 0:02

Hello, everyone. Today I have a super, amazing special guest on my podcast. Her name is Jana and she lives in Florida. Now Jana has the superpower that everybody needs. And that is to help nurses leave shift work behind and actually start a business. Now we know in this crazy world that we live in, that is so needed. And I know personally of people that have left, specific nurses, that have left their jobs in this chaos and people like Jana is so needed. So, hi, Jana. How you doing?

Jana Holtman 0:31

I'm great. Thank you very much for having me. Very excited to be here.

Joy Nicholson 0:35

Thank you so much for being on the podcast. You know what, when I saw what you were doing, I was like, wow, can we take you and clone you and make lots of you around the world because it's so necessary? Can you tell people a little bit about how, how did this all come about? Because this is such a big thing going from being a nurse working in COVID? And then obviously, you know, helping other people or other nurses to get out of the profession. So how, how, can you please enlighten us and tell us your story?

Jana Holtman 1:01

Yeah, so, my story to this point happened about three years ago, I was working in a float pool, which is basically, you get sent to any unit where they're short, and kind of get stuck in horrible situations. And at that point, I was very, just drained, exhausted, overwhelmed. And it was kind of this point where I was like, well, I either need to change where I'm working, or I need to change myself and I wasn't really sure which. I applied for other jobs, and there was non available at the time. So, I was like, I guess I need to change myself. So, I did all kinds of things, got really fit, worked on my nutrition, those things kind of made me feel a little more energised, and you know, a little bit better, but there was still something missing. And that was when I started getting more into the personal development and, like, mindset side of things. And the concept of life coaching kept coming up over and over again. And I was like, okay, I'm listening, I need to look into this. So, I actually reached out to a life coach that was by me at that time. I started working with her and, like, everything shifted, my job didn't change, my patient ratios didn't change. But everything changed for me personally and that affected everything in my life. My relationships were better, I had more energy, I started to you know, create more and people started coming to me being, like, what happened to you? Like, how can I do this too and that was kind of the point where I was, like, oh, I can help people. So, I went and got my coach training and started with burnout coaching and then the pandemic hit, and I was like, I need to go full in, in my coaching business, I cannot do nursing anymore. And so, I slowly built up my coaching business. And I realised that all my burnout clients were also nurses who were building businesses, and I'm like, I'm not burnout coaching and business coaching. And that was kind of the push for me and it was, like, about six months ago where I transitioned into business coaching, specifically for nurses and I do have some other health care providers in my clientele. But mostly helping them get out of the shift work schedule and create and serve at a higher purpose. Because most healthcare workers really went into the profession because they wanted to help, they really have that desire to help and I think a lot of the times especially amidst the chaos that is right now they lose sight of that and being able to create something where they can serve at their highest capacity in their own unique way is really something beautiful.

Joy Nicholson 3:38

Yeah. I love that you do what you do Jana. I think it is so powerful. And I mean, like just looking. I avoid the news like it's the plague but just looking you know, like, you can't avoid it completely because people share with, things with you and it pops up everywhere. But just looking at the crisis in the world at the moment and so many nurses either just literally resign or getting fired because they don't want to get vaccinated or they don't want to do certain things. It's, it's incredibly sad to see, you know, people that is so incredibly important to the community and what they need to go through. Do you think or do you feel like there's some correlation with people wanting to leave now the nursing profession in before like maybe say two years ago? Do you feel like if people are more traumatised or I would say nurses are more traumatised if I can use that word as into why they need to go.

Yeah, so, I don't, like, I think that this was kind of the triggering point for a lot of people. I don't think, there was always that desire. I think for a lot of people who kind of fell into nursing, because I said, like, they like to help and they, they didn't really know what avenue that was going to be and they fell into nursing. And a lot of people and I can say I was the same way have this, like, fear of the unknown and they don't know if they can make it on their own. They don't know. You know, like, they're worried that if they try something it'll be worse than where they are now. Then COVID came along and there's, like, there's nothing worse than being a nurse during COVID. They're like. it, like, and you can use the word trauma because I mean I have literally had to do some of my own inner healing after being a nurse um during COVID in ICU because it is traumatising. It is very difficult to watch so many people get sick so fast and so many people die. Like, of course, it's traumatising. And when you weren't sure if bedside nursing was the right avenue for you to help. That was, like, okay, I'm done. I need to find something else. So I think that is one of the reasons that there is such, like, a mass exodus of nurses because they realise that, you know, this is the worst case scenario. Maybe there is something better for me, maybe there is a way that I can serve, and make myself feel better and serve others and we can all, you know, improve our lives.

Yeah. Wow, we are living in some crazy times at the moment, right?

Jana Holtman 5:59


Joy Nicholson 6:00

And it's so, it's again, it's just so awesome that you help these nurses. So why do you think has been your, your biggest aha moment in the last year? With your business?

Yeah, I feel like it was my personal shift from, like, going full time in my business, where I realised that I had to completely, like, change my identity, in that I was so focused on being an employee, I was so focused on being that nurse, I was so focused on given tasks and just doing them. Whereas entrepreneurship is completely different. It's completely, like, there are no rules, you make them, you create,


Jana Holtman 6:42

you know, you add value to the world and that brings money to you. And, like, there is no time versus money. Like, I think that identity shift was the biggest, like, thing for me, when I kind of had that moment and be like, oh, I'm like literally trying to build a business, but I'm, like, acting like an employee, this doesn't work. So, doing that work was transformational for me and then seeing all my clients being like, oh, they need to do this, too. So I feel like a lot of my personal coaching with my clients tends to be around this identity shift and shifting from that nurse employee, to nurse entrepreneur.

Joy Nicholson 7:22

How did you, how did you trigger that identity shift? Because I mean, identity is, I mean, if you don't find your true identity of who you are, you're going to struggle with a lot of things in, like, personal life, business, all of that. How did you come to trigger to figure out what was that identity that you needed to take on? Because I think people struggle to get to that point.

Yeah, and it was kind of after doing some of the, like, digging, or, like, the peeling the layers off the onion kind of situation. And a lot of us, I love to use, like letting go of the rulebook of shoulds. We basically, like, you have been labelled your whole life, You've been told you should act a certain way. You should behave a certain way. You need to do a certain thing. You need to get certain grades. You have all of these, shoulds, that have been put on you. And a lot of the work I did and I have my clients do is, like, releasing all the shoulds. Start noticing, like, where do you think that, like, you know, a good wife has the food on the table at 5pm and all the laundry washed and folded? Like, why did those things matter? They don't, they're they aren't. But we put ourselves in these, like, teeny little boxes and say that we need to conform to this to be, like, a good human. But really, that's just holding us back from who we truly are. And I feel, like, when we start peeling all of that layers back and being that employee, was one of them for me and I was, like, whoa, that's clearly not serving me. And once you start peeling all those back, you become the best version of yourself because you actually become you. Like, you, underneath all of that is the real you.

That is Yep, thank you, Jana. That is enlightening.

Jana Holtman 9:00

You're welcome.

Joy Nicholson 9:02

When, when did you start, like, okay, so let me ask you this question. Do you do group coaching or do you do one on one coaching?

So I do one on one coaching and then I have a course that does have a group coaching com, component.

Okay, so how can people get in touch with you then to get into your coaching programmes?

Yeah, so, I do a lot of my stuff on Instagram. So, I have my Instagram which is Jana Holtman coaching, and then I have a free Facebook community. That is from shift work to dream work. So you can get in there with, there's tonnes of free value and master classes and whatnot, all in there to kind of get into my community, And then if you are ready to take the next step then I offer a free, I call it a badass blueprint session, which is basically creating the blueprint for how you are going to become your best badass self to build your business.

I love that. That is amazing and I think you guys can seriously just get, get in touch with you, I follow her on Instagram and she's so fun to watch on Instagram. So, she's got all these little videos and it's just, it's just fun. It's like my entertainment everyday and it's not as just entertainment. I actually learned something from her. So it's really cool to watch you. So, Jana, you can see I've got a big # goals behind me.

Jana Holtman:


Joy Nicholson:

And it's kind of like a joke within our, you know, within the, or should I say my group coaching and my coaching programmes that I've done, because people struggled to set goals. And I was always just, like, have you done your goals this week? Type effect. So, how do you set goals in your business?

Yeah, so I am very much, like, set it and forget it goalsetter. So, I do kind of, like, the, I would say like, almost manifestation process where ,I like, create a very vivid desire that I want, you know, like, I don't know, like, I would, like. five clients this month, like, on one-on-one programme or something and I really, like, envision myself achieving that goal. I envision them, like, being in my calendar. I really, like, vividly envision those and then I just, like, let it go. And I continue on my life, focusing on where I am right now really having that, like, appreciation, gratitude and fully believing that where I am right now is exactly where I'm meant to be. And I have everything I need in this moment. And this is, like, literally how I created where I am now. Because I used to be the planner, who would, like. control the situation who, like, it had to be the way I planned it, and I would hold on to it for dear life. And over and over again, my goals wouldn't happen because I was so focused on not having the thing that I wanted, that I was creating more of not having. So, I have shifted that completely to creating that desire and then just, like, having gratitude and appreciation for where I am now and over and over again. It's kind of, like, I achieved that goal and often better.

That is really cool. I like that you say that you actually vividly imagine that. Because it is, it's, it's that whole visualisation idea, right? Do you have a, just a question? Do you have a vision board? Or do you have a goal board anything like that?

I have, like, on the back of my, like, computer screen, like, I have, like, a few things that I, like, but it's very simple. And then I have, like, a cork board, it's like, behind me here that has, like, quotes and things that are resonating with me, like, at this point, like so I change those pretty regularly.

Yeah, I like that, that's really cool. So, this podcast episode or not just this episode, but this podcast is about diving in behind the scenes to understand what makes people successful, right? And obviously, within that there comes habits and all kinds of daily routines, etc. But what do you feel is the thing that makes you, you know, that is actually literally guiding and helping you on this path of success? What would that thing be that stands out to you?

Hmm, I feel, like, the, like, just the knowing that whatever, I, happens, I will figure it out. No matter what obstacle comes, like, I kind of had this mug when I left nursing. I was like, I'm gonna figure it out, doesn't matter what happens, doesn't matter if, like ,I go broke in the process, the process, I'm gonna figure it out and being willing to keep figuring it out over and over again. Even if you fail, even if you know, you look stupid when doing your live or whatever. Like, it doesn't matter and each of that, each time that happens, like, you get closer and closer to becoming that you and that success. And that's kind of how I've approached everything, like, well, I didn't know how to do this so of course I'm gonna have to figure it out.


Jana Holtman:

Interesting that, that like next step is going to be there, I don't need to have the whole plan, I just need to have the next step. And through taking that action, clarity on the next step comes and just keeps going and moving forward.

Joy Nicholson:

That's, I like that. That's actually really good advice. I really like that. So, also this listeners of the show is people that want to start a business or they stuck, you know, or they have a business and they're stuck. They just sitting on that fence. What advice would you have for somebody that is sitting on that fence?

When you keep on taking in information, you get confused, your brain gets overwhelmed. It's completely normal brain behaviour and we keep telling ourselves that we just need to learn one more thing. We just need to read one more thing, if we learn more, we're going to be more prepared. But if you're starting a business, and you never started a business before, you don't know what you need to know, you don't understand what actually is important. And a lot of the times we get so focused on just, like, learning things and I'll see people who have, like, eight coaching certifications and stuff because they're so focused on learning, but that's not going to be what actually creates your business. What creates your business is the taking action and yes, you need to have the mindset. Yes, you need to be aligned, but when you take action, that's what's going to give you the clarity. You're gonna be like, oh, that worked really well, or I went out and talk to 10 people, and I realised they all have the same problem. I really want to help people with that problem. Like, I feel, like, you need to just start taking action and then evaluate, look at that. What went well? What didn't go well? What am I going to do differently and just keep taking action and through that action the clarity will come.

Yeah. I love when you said that you go, just go out and speak to 10 people. And you know, because that is something that I teach, because I'm a marketing coach, right? And that's something that I teach, is really know and understand who your client is, who you're serving. And I mean, that's the core of your business, you're not going to do your awesome little videos just for the sake of doing them. You've obviously got a client or a person in mind with that you do those videos for.

Jana Holtman:


Joy Nicholson:

Yes. So, how did you identify your avatar and, and what is your message to your avatar? Like, how do you identify that as a core in your business?

So, I think it was the same thing going out there telling people that I was a life coach, just like a general life coach to start with, then I noticed that people I was gravitating towards, were burnt out. But then I also, again, I kept talking to them. And then I realised that the people that were burnt out was because they weren't doing something that filled them with passion, and they really wanted to start a business. And through the last, you know, like, two, three years, it was just getting clearer and clearer and clearer. And you kind of, like, I feel like you just keep growing. And then you're, like, oh, this container is uncomfortable, and then you expand more. And it was a process of continuing to speak to who I thought was my person at that time. And sometimes that shifted, and just being okay with that. I feel like at the beginning, I was so, like, no, like, no, no, no, but she's my perfect person and be, like, okay, but I've grown so why not? The person I'm speaking to could have shifted too.


Jana Holtman:

And through that, like, just keep talking to people. See what resonates with you, like, what are you super passionate about? Like, what could you get up and talk and, like, do an hour presentation on, like, sometimes, some simple questions like that can help with the clarity? And then yeah, it's a lot of just keep talking to people, just get on like a 20 minute coffee chat with somebody and be, like, ask, like, pick their brain and see where it goes.

Joy Nicholson:

And that is so, so key in business, and I want to strongly recommend to you guys as well, like, if you, if you're sitting stuck with, like, who you're serving, do exactly what Jana just talked about. Go out and speak to people and just have those conversations, because it's amazing what comes from those conversations, right? It is really amazing, because it's things that you don't realise that people actually struggle with, because just because you don't struggle with it doesn't mean the next person doesn't have that problem. Yeah.

And I feel like a lot of the times, where especially in the coaching profession, specifically, like, we have overcome so much that what is normal for us now, even though it wasn't normal for us, you know, five years ago. Like, when we speak to people, we're like, oh, well, we struggle with that, too. We overcame that. So, sometimes, like, you're, like, oh, I, I don't struggle with that anymore. But I know how to overcome it, because I already did.

Yeah, and that's exactly it. Because sometimes you think of where you are now on your journey, but you have to take yourself back a few years, where when you started and where you struggled. And that's, yeah, that's really key, that's really key to understand. How's your routine looking like? If you get up in the morning, what's your routine?

Yeah, so I have, like, a very solid routine and I like my routine. I am, I get up at, like, six o'clock, and I, like, literally will eat my breakfast. And I do like journaling or, like, I'll sometimes do, like, gratitude rampage where I just focus on all the wonderful things that are happening in my life. I do tend to, like, read, like, kind of, like, a devotional or something that has journal prompts in there, I'll do those kinds of things. Sometimes I will pull Oracle cards or do a meditation, really, like, connecting to myself. And a lot of the times that's kind of, like, alright, what do I need to share today? Like, what do I need to be speaking about? Like, what does my audience need to hear? And I'll kind of do that inner work to kind of prepare me to be able to show up and serve my clients or share on social media or whatnot, and feel like I need to teach. And a lot of the times that's when I'm like, oh, I need to do masterclass and it's got to be on this topic. Like, that's the time where, like, my creative energy is, like, flowing. And then I'll generally do a workout, take a shower, and then I start my client calls or, like, back end processing whatever's there. Generally I do, like, four hours of work, and then I have clients on top of that.

Okay, nice. That's a good solid routine and I love the fact that you do journaling and you do gratitude journaling, can you, can you dive a little bit into your gratitude journaling. Why, what is the purpose behind that?

Yeah, so our brain, like, what we focus on, we create more of and when you programme your brain to constantly be looking for those things to be, like, that are working. When you constantly are looking for those things that you do love. Your brain is always then looking for more opportunities to create more of that. So, when you add a gratitude practice and you're, like, oh, I, like, really love my, like, new bed or, like, it's so cosy and warm. I love my, like, fussy blanket, like, whatever, like, it does, it does not need to be serious, you do not need to be, like, oh, I, like, love this, you know, expensive thing. Like, it could just be, like, I really like my electric toothbrush, or, like, I really like my coffee mug. Whatever it is that gets you kind of into that mindset will start your brain on the, like, oh, like, endorphin hit, like, oh, that felt good, I want to create more of that. So it's really just kind of, like, priming your brain and rewiring it to create more of that good stuff. And I think it also just kind of sets you up to receive more amazing things. Because if you're focusing on all the ways that your life is working, you're kind of in that right mindset. And when you're in that energy, and then you go and meet somebody, you're, like, oh, I can help them or, like, you're in that energy of service. Rather than, like, being in the energy where, like, nothing's not, nothing's working, I'm not going, you know, I'm not there fast enough, or whatever. So, really, my gratitude journaling is kind of different every day. It's very much, like, I could literally be, like, if I'm not really feeling it, I could just be, like, looking at things on my desk and being, like, oh, yeah, I'm grateful for that coffee mug, like it, or is like bigger things. Again, I go on, like, talking about how wonderful my clients are and I'm so grateful to have worked with them. So, it's kind of wherever I'm at, but it is something that I try to incorporate every day.

Yeah, it is such an incredible success habit and I think it's something that is overlooked quite a bit. And yeah, I just personally I love gratitude journaling and talking. Look, I've got two kids and in the evenings, we do gratitude praise, like, you know, saying thank you and they each have three things that they should be grateful for. And it's just such an amazing thing. If you think about the things that we actually have, even in these crazy times, we have so much to be grateful for and it's right inside just, it's it makes you just happy and it's kicking that endorphins off, and it's. Yeah, I love that, I really do. As we know Jana entrepreneurship is quite challenging and there's always challenges that comes up. But I guess it's like how we overcome those challenges. So, what has been your biggest challenge in the last year and how did you overcome that?

Jana Holtman:

Hmm, okay, so it was definitely leaving my nursing job before I fully had evidence that, like, I mean, I had a few clients but I didn't have as many clients as I was making, you know, like, to support the income that I was making my nursing job. So, fully believing in the fact that I could make it and figuring it out. And I feel like there was like, a few month period that I was kind of, like, floundering and focusing on all the ways it wasn't working, and I'm like, ah, I should have, like, I should be able to do this, I should be you know, like, why isn't it working. I feel like I had a lot of these wonderful gratitude practices and things before and then once I got into that more stressful situation how do I make this work. I was so focused on working, working that I wasn't focusing on taking care of myself. Doing my gratitude journal, do my self care time really, like, pouring into myself and that kind of was, like, oh, well it's not working and I feel kind of, like, exhausted again, Like, I've gotten back into that, like, kind of burnout stage and I was like, oh. So, shifting back, bring all those routines back was kind of the thing that I needed to figure out and I feel like I needed to figure it out the hard way personally. To create a sustainable business where I can enjoy my life, I like to say I you do the things and then you live your life, like, you literally do the things that you need to do to help build your business. And then you just go and enjoy your life and the times of rest the times where I'm enjoying my life. Or generally when I get the messages for new clients coming or you know, like, new things coming in and allowing that, you know. I think it's like allowing the space for you to receive because if you're so busy trying to, like, do all these things and do more and do more, like, you're, like, you don't have time for more clients. But if you allow that time, that empty space where you're just kind of enjoying life you're, like, oh, I do have the time for clients like you're, like, creating the space ahead of time.

Joy Nicholson:

Yeah, that is beautiful. I really love that, I never thought of it like that, you know, creating space for, for clients and things. Because you do have to have your, your me time and your quiet time and enjoying life time and as entrepreneurs we we tend to not do that as much. I used to fall into, now I am very good at it but before I wasn't, like, I would just work flat out 60 hours a week and not create time for myself. And it is so true what you say it's really important.

Jana Holtman:


Joy Nicholson:

We did establish what you do Jana like earlier in the episode, but can you just tell people again, where can they reach you when they want to get in contact with you.

Jana Holtman:

Yeah, absolutely. So, you can find me at Jana Holtman coaching on Instagram and Facebook. And then I have a Facebook community from shiftwork to dreamwork that you can find there. And you can send me a message anytime on social media. I'm always available.

Joy Nicholson:

That's amazing. Thank you so much for that. Is there anything else that I could have missed that you want to share with the audience today?

Jana Holtman:

I don't think so.

Joy Nicholson:

Okay. That's fine. Thank you so much Jana, I appreciate your time. And thank you so much what you do for the nurses in the communities? And yeah, it's, it's really great that you change so many lives, and that's fantastic. So thank you so much for your time.

Jana Holtman:

Thank you. This was so wonderful. I really enjoyed doing it.

Joy Nicholson:

Thank you. And guys, I strongly recommend go and check Jana out. Like I said, she's got a really fun Instagram page. I enjoy watching her little videos. It's really awesome to watch. And it's not just, it's not just fun to watch them, but it's full of like really great knowledge. So yeah, I really strongly recommend to go and join Jana's Facebook group too. Thank you so much and have a good day Jana.

Thank you.

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Joy Nicholson

My name is Joy, I am a marketing geek, funnel builder, coach, and mentor.

I have spent the last 2 years learning from industry experts and successful business owners.

Going behind the scenes to discover what makes them successful.

Follow along with Season 9 of Unleash your focus podcast where I dive in deeper than ever before unlocking insider trade secrets, discovering what makes these entrepreneurs successful, but also going underground to understand their habits, frameworks, blueprints, secrets and so much more.

I also ask ONE important question and that is “how they have grown and scaled their business successfully, to a million or more!

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